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Your advertisement in wein.plus:magazine

The ultimate source for wine lovers and professionals

The wein.plus:magazine is a high-quality print magazine designed specifically for wine lovers and professionals. Readers dive into the fascinating world of wine and benefit from a diverse selection of topics and content.

Thematic focuses include inspiring journeys through wine regions, wine recommendations, and food pairings. Our readers discover the best wine bars and restaurants in various regions and are inspired by the personal favorite wines and tasting results of our editorial team. Captivating interviews with prominent personalities in the wine scene and recommendations from renowned sommeliers and experts round out the wein.plus:magazine.

Each issue features portraits, interviews, and reports that provide readers with insights into the lives and work of international winemakers and wine personalities. They learn more about current trends in the wine industry and gain insider insights into the world of wine. The wein.plus:magazine offers its readership the unique opportunity to expand their wine knowledge, discover new wines, and deepen their passion for wine.


Print Advertising


420 × 297 mm

4,800.00 €*

Volume Price 4 Pages

7,200.00 €*

Volume Price 6 Pages

9,000.00 €*

Further volumes on request. We are happy to create a customized offer for you. For successful referrals, we grant you an agency discount or a commission.


210 × 297 mm

2,700.00 €*

1/1-Special Pages

U2 3,240.00 €*

U3 3,105.00 €*

U4 3,780.00 €*

Insert in the Magazine

max. 205 × 290 mm per 1,000 (without printing)

up to 25 g 89.00 €*

up to 50 g 109.00 €*

up to 75 g 129.00 €*

up to 100 g 169.00 €*

1/2-Page Vertical

105 × 297 mm

1,380.00 €*

1/2-Page Horizontal

210 × 148.5 mm

1,380.00 €*

1/3-Page Vertical

70 × 297 mm

960.00 €*


Printing Specifications and Data Format

Magazine Format: DIN A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), 100 pages

Printing: Offset 4c (Euroscale) + dispersion varnish

Cover: 250 g/m2 coated paper matte

Inner Pages: 100 g/m2 coated paper matte

Spine: Perfect binding

Publication Dates

Quarterly at the end of the quarter. Submission deadline for print materials at the end of each quarter (end of February, end of May, end of August, end of October)

Advertisement Formats (trimmed, width x height)

2/1-Page: 428 × 305 mm including bleed

1/1-Page: 218 × 305 mm including bleed

1/2-Page Horizontal: 218 × 156, including bleed

1/2-Page Vertical: 113 × 305 mm including bleed

1/3-Page Vertical: 78 × 305 mm including bleed

max. 205 x 290 mm, minimum quantity 2,000 pieces, partial insert possible, delivery free of charge

In addition to the advertisement format, a bleed of 4 mm must be added on all sides. The motif is therefore a total of 8 mm wider and 8 mm higher than the printed advertisement. Important elements (text, images, logos, etc.) should be set at least 5 mm away from the edge of the advertisement format.

Data Submission

File Format: Print-ready PDF file (PDF/X-3)

Crop Marks: Please do not set.

Resolution: 300 dpi 

Color Mode: CMYK; Black should only be set with 100% or with the values C40, M40, Y0, and K100.

Print Profile: We recommend using the color profile ISO coated v2 300 (ECI). This not only ensures that the colors are converted as accurately as possible but also limits the color coverage to 300%.

Images: The resolution of images should be at least 300 dpi.

Fonts: Convert all fonts to paths or include them.

Corrections, errors, or missing templates are the responsibility of the customer.
