170,691 Wines from the best European producers. Independently tasted, rated, and described.
All important information about 25,161 producers in Europe with classification and wine ratings from wein.plus and other media and wine competitions.
The largest wine lexicon in the world with 26,509 entries, detailed articles, photos, maps, and links.
Our editors and reporters are traveling around the world to report current and exclusive news from the wine scene. Independent and competent. Discover over 800 reports and wine topics.
Are you looking for the right entry into the world of Riesling, Bordeaux, and Co.? Our introduction to the world of wine provides you with everything you need to know.
Prices and information on approximately 248,000 wines that you can order directly from the online shops of our premium members.
How can you reach wine lovers and professionals all over Europe? With advertising through wein.plus! We support you with your marketing and your events - just as you need it. We provide the building block that completes your campaign or create the concept for your event. And we also carry it out. Don't miss these unique opportunities in the B2B sector!
Become a Business Premium Member at wein.plus now and benefit from exclusive advantages in the wine industry.
Take advantage of discounts and special services from partners, effective sales support through find+buy and other platform tools, as well as tailored framework contracts without commissions. Strengthen your business and connect within a community that strives for growth and success in the wine world together. Join our independent and strong community to maximize your reach and business potential.
Present your winery on Europe’s leading wine platform and be seen around 1000 times daily on wein.plus. Send us your wines for tasting and benefit from much more than just our evaluation. Use this opportunity to effectively promote your marketing and sales.
Additionally, your submitted wines participate free of charge in the competitions of the "GOLDEN GRAPE AWARDS". This way, you can win attractive medals for your marketing and gain maximum attention for your business and your wines.
You can enrich your profile with extensive information and images to increase the discoverability and attractiveness of your winery for wine lovers. The event calendar on wein.plus also allows you to effectively promote your events and thus attract more visitors to your events. This is complemented by targeted local marketing strategies offered on the platform to reach and retain your local clientele and visitors more effectively.
Overall, wein.plus offers you a comprehensive range of tools to optimally present your wines and events and to address trade, gastronomy, and private end consumers directly and effectively. In addition to this marketing support, you can save a lot of money through extra favorable business framework contracts, exclusive offers, and discounts.
Whether you sell online or locally, wein.plus helps you increase your sales. Through find+buy, you can effectively present your wines as an online provider and thus achieve clicks in your shop from a specifically interested audience in your portfolio.
Moreover, the event calendar of wein.plus allows you to specifically promote your wine events on-site. This increases the visitor numbers of your events and optimizes your event marketing. Additionally, wein.plus supports your local marketing with targeted measures to address and retain local customers for your store. Besides this marketing support, you can save a lot of money through extra favorable business framework contracts, exclusive offers, and discounts.
wein.plus supports you as a restaurateur or hotelier to successfully present yourself to the target group of wine lovers and thus gain more guests.
Through targeted local marketing, wein.plus offers you the opportunity to make your wine selection known directly to wine-interested customers in your region. This not only increases your visibility but also promotes customer loyalty. You also appear prominently in the wein.plus:places, the platform for wine travelers.
Additionally, with the help of the event calendar from wein.plus, you can effectively promote your wine events, such as tastings or themed evenings. By specifically addressing wine lovers, you increase the visitor numbers of your events and create unique experiences for your guests. Use the reach and expertise of wein.plus to expand your gastronomic offerings and sustainably increase your sales.
With wein.plus, you can specifically reach more wine enthusiasts in Europe than anywhere else. No other online medium about wine is known by so many people. So why not place your advertising right here, where the wine scene comes together?
We provide you with exactly the support for your marketing and events that you need. From a small reminder for your event to a large advertorial.