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Wine Reviews

170,691 Wines from the best European producers. Independently tasted, rated, and described.


Wine producers

All important information about 25,161 producers in Europe with classification and wine ratings from wein.plus and other media and wine competitions.


Wine regions

Comprehensive description of all European growing regions, their grape varieties, traditions, and legal requirements with maps.


Wine lexicon

The largest wine lexicon in the world with 26,509 entries, detailed articles, photos, maps, and links.


Reading competence: news+stories

Our editors and reporters are traveling around the world to report current and exclusive news from the wine scene. Independent and competent. Discover over 800 reports and wine topics.


Wine beginner knowledge

Are you looking for the right entry into the world of Riesling, Bordeaux, and Co.? Our introduction to the world of wine provides you with everything you need to know.


find+buy: The wines of our members

Prices and information on approximately 248,000 wines that you can order directly from the online shops of our premium members.

Vintage wines for birthdays 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Vintage wines for anniversaries 5-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 75-year 100-year
Vintage wines for wedding anniversaries Silver wedding Golden wedding Diamond wedding
Wines for Special occasions Champagne Ice wine Large bottles Luxury wines Old wines

places: The platform for wine travelers

Discover new wine regions and wine towns, specialty retailers, winemakers, and special restaurants. The optimal travel planning for wine fans!


These wine events are taking place near you

Our event calendar includes thousands of tastings and events related to wine. Also directly at your location. Stay up to date.


We support your marketing

How can you reach wine lovers and professionals all over Europe? With advertising through wein.plus! We support you with your marketing and your events - just as you need it. We provide the building block that completes your campaign or create the concept for your event. And we also carry it out. Don't miss these unique opportunities in the B2B sector!


wein.plus on social media

You can also find wein.plus on all popular social media. Connect with us and receive all important news in your feed.

Doing business in the wine industry? Here's how you can benefit from business

As a Business Premium Member, benefit

Become a Business Premium Member at wein.plus now and benefit from exclusive advantages in the wine industry.

Take advantage of discounts and special services from partners, effective sales support through find+buy and other platform tools, as well as tailored framework contracts without commissions. Strengthen your business and connect within a community that strives for growth and success in the wine world together. Join our independent and strong community to maximize your reach and business potential.


Wine Producers

Present your winery on Europe’s leading wine platform and be seen around 1000 times daily on wein.plus. Send us your wines for tasting and benefit from much more than just our evaluation. Use this opportunity to effectively promote your marketing and sales.

Additionally, your submitted wines participate free of charge in the competitions of the "GOLDEN GRAPE AWARDS". This way, you can win attractive medals for your marketing and gain maximum attention for your business and your wines.

You can enrich your profile with extensive information and images to increase the discoverability and attractiveness of your winery for wine lovers. The event calendar on wein.plus also allows you to effectively promote your events and thus attract more visitors to your events. This is complemented by targeted local marketing strategies offered on the platform to reach and retain your local clientele and visitors more effectively.

Overall, wein.plus offers you a comprehensive range of tools to optimally present your wines and events and to address trade, gastronomy, and private end consumers directly and effectively. In addition to this marketing support, you can save a lot of money through extra favorable business framework contracts, exclusive offers, and discounts.


Wine Retail

Whether you sell online or locally, wein.plus helps you increase your sales. Through find+buy, you can effectively present your wines as an online provider and thus achieve clicks in your shop from a specifically interested audience in your portfolio.

Moreover, the event calendar of wein.plus allows you to specifically promote your wine events on-site. This increases the visitor numbers of your events and optimizes your event marketing. Additionally, wein.plus supports your local marketing with targeted measures to address and retain local customers for your store. Besides this marketing support, you can save a lot of money through extra favorable business framework contracts, exclusive offers, and discounts.



wein.plus supports you as a restaurateur or hotelier to successfully present yourself to the target group of wine lovers and thus gain more guests.

Through targeted local marketing, wein.plus offers you the opportunity to make your wine selection known directly to wine-interested customers in your region. This not only increases your visibility but also promotes customer loyalty. You also appear prominently in the wein.plus:places, the platform for wine travelers.

Additionally, with the help of the event calendar from wein.plus, you can effectively promote your wine events, such as tastings or themed evenings. By specifically addressing wine lovers, you increase the visitor numbers of your events and create unique experiences for your guests. Use the reach and expertise of wein.plus to expand your gastronomic offerings and sustainably increase your sales.


Other Professionals in the Wine Sector

We also have various solutions for communication agencies, publishers, wine travel providers, associations, and federations to increase their visibility and strengthen their marketing.

With wein.plus, you can specifically reach more wine enthusiasts in Europe than anywhere else. No other online medium about wine is known by so many people. So why not place your advertising right here, where the wine scene comes together?

We provide you with exactly the support for your marketing and events that you need. From a small reminder for your event to a large advertorial.

Free Your plus: Free access to Europe's largest wine platform. Without any obligation!

0.00 €/Month

Private Premium Your plus: Access to all content with over 150,000 wine reviews, the world's largest Wine lexicon and exclusive discounts

2.46 €/Month (annual billing, incl. VAT)
For private individuals only

Business Premium Your plus: access to all content, top presence for your offer and exclusive, extra-favourable framework agreements

24.34 €/Month (annual billing, excl. VAT)
Only for professionals, producers and companies

What we stand for

wein.plus The plus of like-minded people 222.000 members with a passion for wine

wein.plus The plus in quality We fight for the best wines

wein.plus The plus of economic independence Financed only by members

wein.plus The plus in editorial independence Committed only to our readers

wein.plus The plus in credibility We write freely, as the wine deserves

wein.plus The plus in ideas Always opening up new avenues for our members

wein.plus The plus in reliability We have been keeping our promises for over 20 years

wein.plus The plus in wine knowledge 200.000 Webpages high-quality editorial content


26 years of experience in wine and marketing

The team of wein.plus consists of over 20 employees.

Over 242,735 private and professional members. Every month we welcome 300 new members.

1/4 of them are business members. Of these 12,001 wine retailers and 28,236 wine producers, 3,838 restaurateurs, as well as many more.

170,691 professional wine reviews and descriptions

The newsletter from wein.plus is received by 82,642 members.

50,000 tasting telegrams monthly

5 languages with more than 1 million pages of wine information.

Around 1,000 competent articles in the magazine

The lexicon is the most comprehensive wine lexicon in the world with 26,509 entries.

217,000 wines in the shopping sources at online shops.

Members from more than 40 countries.

Facebook 18,000 fans

Instagram 5500 followers


Contact information

Head office: Wein-Plus GmbH, wetterkreuz 19, D-91058 Erlangen