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As a caterer, you can utilise every bottle of wine to the last drop

How can you always offer your guests enjoyable wine - without constantly opening new bottles that are still left in the kitchen at night? Use Coravin, an innovative wine system that keeps wine fresh for several months. And as a Business Premium member, you save several times over.



Enjoy wine to perfection? And appeal to every guest's taste - without wasting wine? No problem with the Coravin system. Serve the right wine for every menu. And offer your guests an unforgettable culinary experience. How? With the benefits of being a Business Premium member of wein.plus.

Exclusively for hotels, restaurants and catering, we offer several discounts in cooperation with Coravin. Contact us or become a Business Premium member right away. With many other benefits.

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wein.plus Business framework agreements

Reliable providers - Proven by many other business members.
Get out of the lone wolf existence. Over 3,000 customers achieve more.
Significant price and service benefits for premium members.
Framework agreements simplify your bureaucracy. You can concentrate on your core business.

Voices of our members

Ralph Urban

I am a Business Premium member of wein.plus, because it saves me money on UPS, shipping boxes, organic certification and other service providers.

Ralph Urban
Wine & Nature – griechenland-weine.de, Hamburg